NALCAB works to foster racial and economic equity by strengthening the ability of our member network to deploy capital where it’s needed most, and by influencing funders and policy makers with research, advocacy and technical advice.
Areas of Expertise
NALCAB operationalizes this strategy in three areas of work:

Capacity Building
NALCAB builds the capacity of nonprofits and units of government to implement programs and projects that ultimately advance economic mobility in low- and moderate-income communities. NALCAB implements this work through grant-making, technical assistance, training (classroom and by webinar) and the Pete Garcia Fellowship Program for next generation Latino leaders in community and economic development.
Impact Investing
NALCAB lends to member organizations that are community development financial institutions and affordable housing developers. Through a wholly-owned asset management company, Escalera Community Investments, NALCAB manages the NALCAB Catalyst Fund I, LLC, a social impact fund focused on preserving affordable housing near employment, quality education and health care resources.

Public Policy
NALCAB undertakes research, policy advocacy and national partnerships aimed at influencing private, philanthropic and governmental investors. NALCAB uses the hashtag #LatinoEconomicEngine to highlight data that demonstrates the economic value that Latinos and immigrants bring to this country.